Sunday, June 14, 2015


[No online link available.]

Title this one “Ode on a Broken Arm.” There is a mildly humorous pun on “humerus”, and there is a kind of odd mock-romantic tone, addressed to the speaker’s body, with images of an orange moon glistening on a placid sea, and this final stanza:

O prostrate body, busy with your break,
false tissue forming, striving to recover,
when will you make do like the moon
cold on a placid sea, with three limbs, take
the other for a cruise, like an elderly lover
not expecting much.

Right at the end a pronouncement on aging arrives. The broken limb, like an elderly lover, doesn’t have much vigor to offer, but love entails more than sex. Patience and a gentle care define the mood. The poem is okay. I kind of like it. I don’t have much more to say about it.

An image arrived out of nowhere yesterday which has been rattling around the vacant boxcar of my empty head, so let’s play in the aura of today’s ersatz romance and see what comes of that:

Blue Foxtrot with My Orangutan Love

How her silver dress shimmers!
Her bare hairy feet, those opposable
Toes with strong yellow nails
Grip the dance floor.
My wan legs shuffle, stiff
As brass-tipped canes
My weak arms search for her waist
The blocks of my dense feet
Struggle to follow my lady’s gorgeous
Simian rhythm, curving
Like the fronds of a tree fern
Through the music’s crowded
Melancholy. Her little round head
The narrow, soulful eyes
Like rich brown nuts
That gaze into mine teach
Me the deep, tasteful pleasures
Of figs and intricate branchways
Swinging through the warmth
Of her dark, soft forest
In the loving flow
Of a tropical rain.
So arrives the one moment
I have ever, from my sad humanity, danced.
Desperately I ape the graceful
Nature of her slow, lithe steps
Her long orange hand
Rests like a birdwing
Butterfly on my shoulder,
And her other, cradled
Like a python around mine
Crushes my phalanges
In the ravish of her hold
My scapula cracks,
The clavicle, with a soft
Pop beneath my soft flesh,
Fractures, and if there is pain
I will not feel it
Through the mists of blue music
And my grave devotion
Foxtrotting with my orangutan love. 


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