Friday, October 30, 2015

#303 Three in Heaven I Hope

[No online link available.]

Henry in a noisy bar, talking with an Irish lady about her six children, three dead (in heaven she hopes), one in a mental hospital, three of them married. This gets Henry thinking about his child: “I do love that baby.” All about children, having children, parenting. No Faustian “Thou shalt not love” today. “Working & children & pals are the point of the thing.”

Really? Okay. The sight of a four-year-old daughter on the floor “doing her coloring & her scissoring” will do that to a fella, I suspect. No grand ambition, no fatuous fawning for fame, no decrepit body, no river of ethanol. Nothing of damnation, ambition, decline. “Of babies I have loved I declare I rejoice / chiefly in Paul & Martha, called Twissy-Pits.”

Kate got cross, pal Jimmy came over, rocking of pretty little Martha, old Jane tells her story. Life, for a change.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I'll bet Kate got cross. Place your bets B showed up with Jerry at all hours, and a few more gin/vermouths in him.
