[The poem is misidentified here as #261. The text is of #263.]
Here is one answer to this poem: “When I am Old”
Here’s another:
To the Aged
You found out in your last, finest, freest
Years that they never really wanted
Your money. This may have been surprising.
They collected from you more than they could ever spend.
As an ancillary project they tried to exhaust
Our deep planet in spending, the eager
Young hollow Fascists, the cool corporate
Aristocrats. Still, Earth’s richness persists
Beyond their ken. That is one satisfaction
Because you are rich too beyond their ken.
But as a local tactic debt was effective.
There was a resultant pain, yes,
But you learned that life hurts
And you learned that pain can be borne
More often than not. For those destroyed
By the pain they bore, you wept.
Those others whom we accuse do not know
Weeping, the tears of which connected
You to the fulfillment and ebb
Of water, and this comforted you.
They will not experience this comfort.
When you were young, you wept often, saying
“yes” to them, and when you rebelled later,
It was because you were expected to say “yes,”
And when you finally established your self—
And traded for their comforts—
And raised your secure family as they needed—
And grew a chitinous respectability—
And visited a park and a site and a landmark—
You lived in yes and clenched your teeth.
This was not wise, but it was also tactical,
And you may now forgive yourself
The contingencies of yes for they
Have seen you through to an aged
Fulfillment where you may now forsake
Respectability, and while you need not
Articulate this sentiment
You may now certainly think it: Fuck off.
For aging means that your death approaches
Like a sunrise. A glimmer of gray
Paints the horizon, the rising
Of a new, certain knowledge that you
Were always free after all, and were never
In debt, and that moment when the bright
Sun sheds the horizon
Your freedom shines at its most full
And lets you know something perfectly:
They was us. All together now.
Resting. In peace.
Good poem, Karl. Nice voice.