Henry is on his way out. It’s one way for him. But I really
do think life has more complexity, and there are ineffable rewards and
fulfillments that he never learned how to acknowledge.
Your Parsley and the
Swallowtail Caterpillar
I confess now that I knew
About the swallowtail caterpillar
That devoured your parsley plants. It’s amazing,
Isn’t it? How ravenous they can be!
One day a pot of fine bushy plants
Which I knew you were nurturing
For a fine peppery sauce,
An herbal salt-crust for that roast
You were thawing—
But it disappeared in two days.
Isn’t it amazing?
I’m sorry for their terrible hunger
Though, because you planted
That parsley from seeds
And watered it every day,
The leaves burgeoning tender and fresh
In the sun on the deck.
Caterpillars feed in a green shriek
And once they’ve started on parsley
They may eat nothing else.
They’ll fly away next spring
Weird incantations of parsley
Transmuted to butterfly wings.
I will never understand it.
I know you’re not angry,
But because I knew, I still accept
Their hunger as my failing.
Something in you is missing
Now, the substance of desire
Transmuted to butterfly wings
Flitting wild over the lawn.
But I know that there is more
To them than escaping hunger,
And I promise that what they gave me
In their wildness, I will return.
I will never understand
The broad circle of love
Either, hungry as a caterpillar
Wild as a swallowtail
That will float from behind you
And land and sip sweet
Moisture from your hand
But you must release your desire
And grow still as a parsley flower.
I'm not in tune with B today. That's OK. Your poem's good, I love the irony. My other reaction is "edit it down." I think you can distill it, and have a shorter, stronger piece.